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Published Date: Monday, 10 September 2018

Dear Students who will be taking THESIS PROJECT-I course in the 2018 - 2019 FALL SEMESTER:

Please read the following instructions carefully during the process of choosing your thesis project.

1.    Please find the list of announced THESIS PROJECT titles on the ANNOUNCEMENT BOARD in the third floor.

2.    Each instructor has announced their own thesis project titles.

3.   Each student should ensure that his/her THESIS PROJECT-I course is confirmed by the advisor during the "face to face course registration period".

4.    Then each student should choose 5 (not less, not more) THESIS PROJECT titles and put them in order from one to five. This order should follow from the most wanted title as 1 to least wanted title (as 5).

5.    Each student should fill the THESIS PROJECT forms that can be taken from our Announcement Board or here at Thesis Project Form.pdf

6.    Please fill the form carefully and do not forget to sign the form. Then, please put it into the submission box (7B).

7.    Deadline for the submission of the forms is  01.October.2018, 1 pm.

8.    If more than one student chooses the same title, then the student with a higher CGPA will be entitled to take that title. Then the second choice of the student will be evaluated again according to his/her CGPA.

9.    A student, 

    a. who could not take any of the chosen topics in his/her application form,

    b. who missed the deadline of the submission of the form

    will have the right to fill a second application form which he/she can choose from the non-assigned thesis topics. These non-assigned thesis topics will be announced by the thesis coordinator and assigned to these students. Thesis coordinator will assign these thesis topics to the students according to their choices in the forms. If one thesis topic is chosen by the same student, thesis coordinator will decide again according to the CGPA of the students. Student with a higher CGPA is privileged to choose that topic.

10.  If you seek a detailed description of a particular thesis project, please contact with the instructor who proposed the title for further explanations.

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