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Pharmacy Day Celebrated at EMU with the Participation of Minister of Health Dr. Hakan Dinçyürek

Pharmacy Day Celebrated at EMU with the Participation of Minister of Health Dr. Hakan Dinçyürek
Published Date: Thursday, 16 May 2024

Within the scope of 12th International Career Days, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Pharmacy and, EMU Alumni Communication and Career Research Directorate (MIKA) co-organized an event on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 on the occasion of 14 May, Pharmacy Day. Held at 09:30 a.m. at Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall, the event was attended the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Minister of Health Dr. Hakan Dinçyürek, EMU Board of Trustees President Dr. Erdal Özcenk, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Öztüren, the Dean of EMU Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. H. Ozan Gülcan, Vice Deans, academic staff members and students.

Ozan Gülcan

Following a Moment of Silence and National Anthem, the event commenced with the opening speeches. The Dean of EMU Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. H. Ozan Gülcan began his speech by wishing a happy 14 May, Pharmacy Day for everyone. Touching on the past and present of pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Gülcan described pharmacy as the most trustworthy profession in the world. Noting that the pharmacists, along with all healthcare professionals, worked devotedly during the pandemic period, Prof. Dr. Gülcan emphasized the meaning and importance of pharmacy profession. Talking about the functions of EMU Faculty of Pharmacy which began its academic life back in 2011, Prof. Dr. Gülcan underlined that EMU Faculty of Pharmacy has graduates in over 30 countries who have been successfully practising the profession. At the end of his speech, Prof. Dr. Gülcan presented his love and respect to all pharmacists, pharmacy students and everyone attending the event.

Ali Öztüren

Also addressing the attendees, EMU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Öztüren touched upon the meaning and importance of 14 May Pharmacy Day, expressing that EMU Faculty of Pharmacy students play critical roles on preserving and developing the public health. Stressing that the qualified graduates of EMU Faculty of Pharmacy contribute to the healthcare system of the TRNC and various other countries, Prof. Dr. Öztüren concluded his speech by expressing his gratitude to everyone involved in the event.

Erdal Özcenk

Commencing his speech by mentioning the achievements of EMU Faculty of Pharmacy in the academic field, EMU Board of Trustees (VYK) President Dr. Erdal Özcenk stated that EMU Faculty of Pharmacy is training individuals who will contribute to the world. Concluding his speech with well wishes that will benefit the students being trained as future pharmacists, Dr. Özcenk expressed his gratitude to all stakeholders involved in the event.

Hakan Dinçyürek

TRNC Minister of Health Dr. Hakan Dinçyürek also delivered a speech during the evenet. Highlighting the definition and importance of pharmacy profession and being a pharmacist, Minister Dr. Dinçyürek stressed that health is not possible without pharmacists. Expressing his sense of belonging to EMU, Dr. Dinçyürek underlined the significance of all stakeholders in the healthcare sector. Moreover, Dr. Dinçyürek expressed that the TRNC Ministry of Health will support all projects undertaken by the EMU Faculty of Pharmacy and ended his speech by wishing a happy 14 May, Pharmacy Day to everyone.

Following the speeches, TRNC Minister of Health Dr. Hakan Dinçyürek presented a plaque to EMU Faculty of Pharmacy academic staff member Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet İlktaç. The event continued with various presentations; “An Improved HPLC Post-Column Methodology for the Identification of Free Radical Scavenging Phytochemicals in Complex Mixtures” by Faculty of Pharmacy academic staff member Prof. Dr. Müberra Koşar, “In Silico Alchemy: Transforming Molecular Structures into Functional Gold” by Prof. Dr. Kerem Teralı from Faculty of Medicine in Cyprus International University, “Diverse Biological Activities of Urolithins” by the Dean of EMU Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. H. Ozan Gülcan and lastly, “Instructional Planning & Assessment” by EMU Faculty of Education, Educational Sciences Department academic staff member Prof. Dr. Canan Zeki.

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